FEC installation, team work and skills sharing

Today we finished installing the main electronics for one of our Farmers Enterprise Centres in Uganda. It was a mammoth 3 days of wiring, programming batteries/inverters and fixing electronics to walls, but we did it! And it wouldn’t have been possible without our fantastic local partners, Eco-Life and Kiima Foods.

Throughout the 3 days, we had non-stop uplifting local music playing from our speakers (I feel like I know all the Ugandan chart music  now!) to keep us motivated. Every member of the team was constantly busy, finding tasks to move the project forwards, and sharing skills to help others do their tasks better. I definitely learnt things on how to wire up distribution boxes neater, and we were able to teach our partners about the new inverters and lithium-ion batteries. Despite some challenging circumstances (the building to house the electronics was slightly behind schedule, which resulted in us working around a pile of mortar on the first day, balancing over wooden beams and sacks on a wet concrete floor on the second day, and having to be innovative to protect the equipment from rain as the roof was still unfinished), together with the builders, we found solutions to every hurdle and finished exactly what we had set out to do.

It was a brilliant experience and I’m so happy to have been able to share it with our partners from Eco-Life and Kiima Foods.

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