The Smart Villages Initiative, together with the Central American University (UCA) and the Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences (ACN), held the local workshop “The link between access to energy, financial mechanisms, and energy policies in Nicaragua”. The event took place from 27 to 28 April 2017 at the Selva Negra Resort Hotel in the mountainous area of Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
The first day, participants visited the El Bote hydroelectric project, an interesting 10-year project located in remote areas of the department of Jinotega that supplies energy to more than 5,400 families from different municipalities in the area. During the tour, experts explained the challenges that the project has had to overcome and the reasons for its success.
The forum was held on the second day, which aimed to promote the analysis and exchange of knowledge between experts from the public and private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia, based on experiences in the field of universal access to modern energy services. Challenges and opportunities are sought in the rural context to:
- The integration of energy access for basic services, productive processes and tourism
- Mechanisms and financing instruments to improve access
- The strengthening of the legal and regulatory framework for distributed generation
Programme and presentations
Jueves 27 de abril | |
06:30 | Salida visita a terreno Salida buses desde la UCA |
15:30 | Salida al Hotel Selva Negra Salida buses desde la UCA |
Viernes 28 de abril | |
08:30 | Bienvenida y presentación del taller Roberta Mutschler, Smart Villages Manuel Ortega, Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Nicaragua (ACN) Dr. Jorge Huete, Universidad Centroamericana de Nicaragua (UCA) |
08:45 | Inauguración del Taller Ministerio de Energía y Minas (MEM), Ing. Alexis Vega; Nicaragua |
09:00 | El Proyecto Smart Villages; Dr. Claudia Canales; Smart Villages |
09.20 | Hector Baldivieso; Banco-interamericano del Desarrollo (BID); Nicaragua (tbc) |
09:40 | Mackenzie Welch; Global Partnership; Investigadora asociada |
10:00 | Carlos Bueso; SNV; Sector Leader Energy Central America |
10:20 | Dr. Myriam Blanco; HIVOS; Consultora y Coordinadora de Proyecto OSC & SE4All |
10:40 | Edda Magaly Melendez; Banco Centroamericano de Integración (BCIE); Gerente País (tbc) |
11:00 | Pausa café |
11:20 | Ing. Lâl Marandin; PELICAN S.A.; Principal |
11:40 | Jurgen Kulke; ALTERTEC; Gerente General |
12:00 | Jean-Baptiste Boudot; BlueEnergy; Gerente Unidad de Desarrollo y Enlace Managua |
12:20 | Morgan Babbs; Colibri Global; Chief Executive Officer |
12:40 | Sesión de Discusiones I |
13:20 | Almuerzo |
14:20 | Jaime Muñoz; Asociación Fénix (Asofenix); Director |
14:40 | Ing. Mario Aleman; IEEE Nicaragua; Presidente |
15:00 | Lic. Verónica Herrera; Mi Crédito; Chief Executive Officer |
15:20 | Denis Aleman; FUNDENUSE; Gerente General |
15:40 | Suyen Córdoba; Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Dirección de Fuentes Alternas |
16:00 | Sesión de Discusiones II |
17.00 | Clausura del Taller |