Smart Villages Arusha Workshop

BR7: Lessons learned from the Smart Villages Engagement Programme in East Africa

This policy brief summarises the findings and recommendations arising from a 15 month programme of engagement in East Africa, commencing in June 2014, undertaken by the Smart Villages Initiative to identify the barriers to off-grid sustainable energy access for development in rural communities and to gather views on how those barriers can be overcome. It …

BR7: Lessons learned from the Smart Villages Engagement Programme in East Africa Read More »

WR3: Kigali East Africa Media Workshop Report

This workshop was a two-day residential event featuring a combination of background briefings from local and international experts and entrepreneurs, together with Smart Villages team members on energy markets and provision in general, the off-grid sector in particular, the Smart Villages concept and perceived need, case studies of embryonic Smart Village projects and relevant technologies, …

WR3: Kigali East Africa Media Workshop Report Read More »

Overview of Smart Villages Arusha Workshop

Dr Bernie Jones

In this video, Dr Bernie Jones describes the aims of the Smart Villages workshop in Arusha in June 2014.  The workshop aims to bring together leaders in the area of off-grid village energy, including poilcymakers, NGOs, entrepreneurs and other experts.  

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