
WR22: Mini-grid power generation, storage, and transmission technology in India for the next 10 years

A large portion of India’s population lacks access to reliable energy. For many, the solution to this will involve decentralised energy infrastructure in the form of renewable solar, or hybrid solar, diesel, battery, and biogas mini-grids. The Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) together with the Smart Villages Initiative held a workshop focused on mini-grid energy …

WR22: Mini-grid power generation, storage, and transmission technology in India for the next 10 years Read More »

BR7: Lessons learned from the Smart Villages Engagement Programme in East Africa

This policy brief summarises the findings and recommendations arising from a 15 month programme of engagement in East Africa, commencing in June 2014, undertaken by the Smart Villages Initiative to identify the barriers to off-grid sustainable energy access for development in rural communities and to gather views on how those barriers can be overcome. It …

BR7: Lessons learned from the Smart Villages Engagement Programme in East Africa Read More »

The business case for off-grid energy in India

Approximately 360 million people in India lack adequate access to grid-electricity and another 20 million households receive less than four hours of electricity per day. To help close this gap, the Government of India has set a target of generating 100 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2022. But while grid connectivity is expected to improve …

The business case for off-grid energy in India Read More »

BR2: The role of innovation competitions for off-grid energy in Africa

Innovation competitions for new technologies and business models are one tool used by policy makers in a range of contexts and countries to help businesses in new fields overcome practical barriers blocking progress between successful pilots and commercialisation. This brief note discusses competitions relevant to African off-grid energy and how they could be designed and …

BR2: The role of innovation competitions for off-grid energy in Africa Read More »

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