Smart Villages

WR15: Business models for off-grid electricity

This report summarises the findings of the Smart Villages Initiative’s workshop on business and financial models held in Cambridge in January 2016. The workshop brought together 36 participants from academia, the private sector, NGOs, and the public sector to share their perspectives and experiences concerning business and financial models for home-based electricity services and decentralised …

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Business and Financial Models Workshop

[:en] Questions: It is generally considered that private enterprises and independent power producers have a key role to play in bringing sustainable energy-enabled businesses to un-served rural communities. What are the main opportunities and challenges in establishing viable business and financial models for these organisations, and what innovative approaches are emerging to meet these challenges? …

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WR14: Potential breakthroughs in productive use of energy in off-grid villages

The ‘forward look’ workshop on potential breakthroughs in the use of energy in off-grid villages” was held in Churchill College, University of Cambridge on 18 December 2015. An introduction to the workshop’s aims and to the Smart Villages Initiative was followed by an introduction to the concept of “distributed manufacturing” for rural villages and accounts …

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Potential Breakthroughs in the Use of Energy in Off-Grid Villages Forward Look Workshop

Social Enterprises and Industrial Markets for Smart Villages in developing countries technology breakthroughs over the next 10-15 years with potential applications Definitions Social enterprises or Inclusive businesses: Product or service which is socially beneficial Inclusive markets: Industries that create jobs and affordable goods and services Questions What is the breakthrough opportunity in productive use of …

Potential Breakthroughs in the Use of Energy in Off-Grid Villages Forward Look Workshop Read More »

WR13: Sustainable dissemination of improved cookstoves – lessons from Southeast Asia

Despite substantial progress on achieving universal electricity access in the region, almost half the population in Southeast Asia continues to rely primarily on biomass to meet their cooking needs. On 2 December 2015, the Smart Villages Initiative together with GERES, Myanmar organised a regional workshop in Yangon, Myanmar to gather lessons about the sustainable dissemination …

WR13: Sustainable dissemination of improved cookstoves – lessons from Southeast Asia Read More »

TR4: Business models for home-based electricity services

This technical report reviews the business models used by pioneer firms in the solar home-based electricity services industry, specifically pico-solar lighting systems and solar home systems. Drawing on the grey and academic literature, the report provides a detailed industry overview, assesses key components of business models, and identifies remaining challenges and ways forward. Industry overview …

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WR12: South Asia Dialogue with Media Professionals

More than one billion people in the world still do not have electricity: over three billion cook on dirty, inefficient and harmful stoves, and four million people die prematurely each year as a result. The UN’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative aims to achieve universal access to modern energy services by 2030. Widespread recognition …

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WR11: Energy for Off-grid Island Communities

Electricity is a crucial part of the infrastructure needed to improve the quality of life for island communities in developing nations. This report summarises the information presented at, and conclusions arising from, the workshop on issues related to island electricity access held by the Smart Villages Initiative and Kopernik. The workshop took place on the …

WR11: Energy for Off-grid Island Communities Read More »

BR10: Findings from the Indonesian Smart Villages Workshop on Energy for Islands

The Smart Villages Initiative together with its local partner, Kopernik, held a workshop on Bunaken Island, Sulawesi in Indonesia, in November 2015 to discuss off-grid energy systems in remote island communities in Southeast Asia. The workshop focused on the barriers and circumstances of rural energy access that are unique to small island communities, drawing inspiration …

BR10: Findings from the Indonesian Smart Villages Workshop on Energy for Islands Read More »

South Asia Media Dialogue Workshop

Our Colombo media workshop was a two-day residential event featuring a combination of background briefings from local and international experts and entrepreneurs on energy markets and developments in the South Asian off-grid sector. The workshop offered an opportunity to explore the Smart Villages concept and study nascent Smart Village projects and relevant technologies from around …

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WR10: Smart Villages in Pakistan

Pakistan has substantial experience of deploying micro-grids based on micro-hydro systems in rural communities. The Smart Villages Initiative, supported by the Rural Support Programmes Network, Pakistan organised a workshop in Islamabad, Pakistan on 6 October 2015 to consider Pakistan’s experience of developing enabling frameworks for the dissemination of micro-grids.  The workshop was an important event …

WR10: Smart Villages in Pakistan Read More »

BR9: Enabling frameworks for deploying micro-grids: Lessons from Pakistan

The Smart Villages Initiative, supported by the Rural Support Programmes Network, Pakistan organised a workshop in Islamabad, Pakistan on 6 October 2015 to consider Pakistan’s experience of developing enabling frameworks for the dissemination of micro-grids. This briefing note for policymakers and other stakeholders summarises key points emerging from the workshop.

EDITORIAL: Smart Villages

Last month in New York, the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defining the global development agenda for the next 15 years. Among the 17 goals is Goal 7’s aim to ensure “access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” Given that an estimated 1.3 billion people have no access to electricity …

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India Off-grid Energy Impact Competition 2016

The India Off-grid Energy Impact Competition took place in early 2016.  India has a vibrant community of competitive, motivated off-grid energy entrepreneurs.  This competition was designed to highlight examples where the off-grid energy they provide has acted as a catalyst for development in remote villages. Companies from throughout India applied to the competition and Smart …

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10 questions to ask about distributed generation

10 Questions to Ask about Distributed Generation, a collaboration between WRI, WWF and Prayas (Energy Group), is part of the 10 Questions to Ask Series and provides a framework for stakeholder engagement around the common questions and challenges that arise in the context of planning for and implementing DG option to address electricity access gaps. …

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Islamabad Smart Villages Workshop

The Smart Villages workshop to be organised in Pakistan is a continuation of the regional engagement in South Asia. The Pakistan workshop aims to glean insights from the country’s experience of off-grid energy provision to remote rural communities through the deployment of micro-grids. In particular the workshop aims to tease out the enabling framework conditions …

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WR9: High-level workshop on off-grid village energy in East Africa

This report summarises the findings of the Smart Villages Initiative’s high-level workshop on off-grid village energy in East Africa. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda, the workshop brought together 47 key stakeholders from East Africa and the United Kingdom to share the findings of the Smart Villages Initiative’s East Africa engagement, to review the …

WR9: High-level workshop on off-grid village energy in East Africa Read More »

BR8: Findings from the Dhaka Smart Villages Workshop

The Smart Villages Initiative together with its local partner, Practical Action Consulting South Asia, held a workshop in Dhaka on 26 August 2015 to consider the experience in Bangladesh of off-grid rural energy systems. This briefing note for policymakers and other stakeholders summarises key points emerging from the workshop.

Can new SDGs really impact last mile communities?

The Smart Villages Initiative publishes policy brief showing that off-grid renewable energy and technology leapfrogging can catalyse sustainable development in world’s remotest and poorest regions On the eve of the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York, the Smart Villages Initiative has urged delegates to keep in mind the plight of remote off-grid communities, …

Can new SDGs really impact last mile communities? Read More »

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